SMV's, Add-ons and Rates

The operation list defines the SMV and Piece Rate for each operation and also Add-On SMV.There is also an option to link the operation to a base rate.

For each operation there are two optional sub tables. One for control of conditional SMV’s and Piece Rate and one for extra Add-Ons.  If there is data in the sub table, the sub table button icon will turn blue . The sub table can be seen and edited by clicking the button.

Conditional SMV and Piece Rate

These are controlled by the tags attached to the unit for unit level operations or to the work order for work order level operations. So when a job report is made the sub table of conditional SMV’s and Piece Rates will be cross check using the tags of the unit and the operator will get credited using these rates rather than the normal rates. If no tags match the conditional table, the normal rates are used.

Extra Add-Ons

The Add-On in the operation list always apply to any job report for the operation, but it is also possible to define Extra Add-Ons based on the quantity of the unit/work order.

So when a job report is made the sub table Extra Add-Ons will be cross check using the quantity of the unit/work order and the operator will get extra credited using the extra add-on for the closest value bigger than the unit quantity. If the unit quantity is larger than the largest value in the sub table, no extra add-ons are applied.

Base Rates

These rates are defined under the MANAGE - OPERATIONS - BASE RATES

For operations setup with base rate, the SMV and Piece Rate will be linked during management, meaning that Piece Rate is updated if the SMV is changed and vice versa. If the base rate is changed, piece rate is updated using the current SMV.

NOTE! For any operation setup with a Base Rate, the actual payed Piece Rate for completing an operation is calculated at run time using:

(SMV + Add-On SMV + Extra Add-Ons)/60 x Base rate

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