Data Maintenance
Data Maintenance
Shopfloor is built using relational data. This means for example that a User that is working on a work order will relate to that work order as his/her current job. That work order might have several units (aka bundles outside of Shopfloor) that all relate to the workorder, each unit has related work logs and so on.
As a user produce work logs in the system, these work logs all relate to different work orders, units, operations, locations and so on. The relations in the data model is secured and maintained by the database and normally nothing the user ever needs to care about.
But there is one exception and that is when it comes to maintaining your data.
At some point data has to be taken out of the system or the size of it will start affecting performance.
When it is time to do maintenance depends on a variety of things, for example:
- The number of users, locations, products, work orders and so on, kept in the system.
The bigger data, the more important to do maintenance in time. - Is data exported to another system and maintained there?
If all data you need is exported somewhere else, there is no need to keep it for long periods in Shopfloor. - For how long periods of time do you need to be able to track production data?
Is it the number of days needed for pay roll that defines the time when it is OK to purge data or is it the number of days needed for tracking production records on a specific item?
For safety it is only users of the built in role “CompanyAdmin”, who can delete records that are related to other data in the system.
Any user can delete records that not yet has any relation, given that they can access the screen where the data is managed.
For example right after creating a user, it can be deleted again. But as soon as the user has made their first sign in to the system, it can only be deleted by “CompanyAdmin”.
Even for “CompanyAdmin’s” there are restrictions to delete for example a full department. To do this, you must first delete all locations within the department (or at least take them off the department).
The same goes for deleting a Product before deleting all Work Orders using the Product, or deleting an operation before deleting all Products that make use of that operation.
Deleting single items can be done at each “Manage” screen by using the
Clean up of Work Orders
One of the most common maintenance routines is removing old or unused work orders.
To help out in this, Shopfloor features a tool for purging data from the system based in work orders.
The tool is located in the screen “Live Production – Workorders”
Work Order State
The list of work orders can be Quick Filtered to show one of four different states depending on the latest activity or the creation time of the work order. The time frame for defining this state is dynamic using a number of days back in time from today’s date.
To use the Work Order Purge Feature, a user must be “CompanyAdmin” or be part of a Role that has access to the feature “Xtra – Purge Workorders”.
Select the work orders you want to purge and click the “Purge…” button.
You will be notified that ALL related data will be purged and when you select “Purge” you get a progress dialog that tells you to wait. The time depends on how many work orders you selected.
When the purging is done, you will see the following message
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