Regenerate Integration Files
Integration Service File Regeneration
When you run into situations where it requires you to re-generate any of the daily milestone files , we have provided you with a way to accomplish this by modifying the Integration Service config file within the Intservice folder on your SFC instance.
The file that needs to be modified is called SFE.ServiceIntegrationTool.exe.Config witin the Intservice folder on your SFC instance and will need to have the following keys added and modified to the dates needed.
Adding any of these NEW keys to the SFE.ServiceIntegrationTool.exe.Config will generate a file for that given date once then go back to normal operation:
<add key="deltaDate" value="2024-08-15" />
<add key="scrapDate" value="2024-08-15" />
Once generated, all data for each daily file format will be populated in a single file that includes Workwise, SFCToSimparel and Paylocity and located within the FromHost folder of the Integraton folder.
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